if a giraffe has 2 eyes riddle

if a giraffe has 2 eyes riddle

if a giraffe has 2 eyes riddle

If a giraffe has two eyes, a monkey has two eyes,

and an elephant has two eyes,

how many eyes do we have?

Answer: Please provide your opinion below in comments section

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2 (we have 2 eyes),as the question is how many eyes do we have

9 thoughts on “if a giraffe has 2 eyes riddle

  1. Answer is 4,As in the question it is asked how many Eyes We have so that means here the person who has asked the question is also including the person who is suppose to give the answer .In a clear understanding the Conversation is happening between 2 people 1st who asked the question anf 2nd to whom it has been asked, which means there are 4 eyes.

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