Tag Archives: same letter is missing three times in each word

Fill the Blanks for Same Letter missing Three Times in Each Word


The same letter is missing three times in each word. Fill the blanks


  1. M — L—RI—
  2. DI—MI— —
  3. — INI—U—
  4. A — TE — —A
  5. BA— — A— E
  6. R—L—AS—
  7. —U — — IES
  8. A — — RAC—
  9. CHA— — I —
  10. — AXI — U—


  1. Malaria
  2. Dismiss
  3. Minimum
  4. Antenna
  5. Baggge
  6. Release
  7. Mummies / Puppies
  8. Attract
  9. Chassis
  10. Maximum