john has $500 anna and $400 peter had $700

john has $500 anna and $400 peter had $700

John had $500 Anna has $400 Peter had $700 Who has the most?

Anna had the most
 As john and peter had 500 and 700 before . they don’t have it now.
Anna has 400 now also.

4 thoughts on “john has $500 anna and $400 peter had $700

  1. Just because that’s the amount they had it doesn’t mean they lost all of their money. It could mean they put their money together and have even more now. How could we just suggest they have nothing now because of what they use to have?

  2. John and Peter had $500 and $700 respectively, that’s in the past but Anna has (in the present) the most, that is $400

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