Tag Archives: How to place a giraffe in the fridge in 3 steps?

Funny riddle 1. A plane was carrying 500 bricks and 1 brick fell down from the TOP . HOW MANY REMAINING?



Funny Riddle : 

1 . A plane was carrying 500 bricks and 1 brick fell down from the TOP . HOW MANY REMAINING?

2 . How to place a giraffe in the fridge in 3 steps?

3. How to Place a Elephant in the refrigerator(fridge) in 4 steps?

4 . A Lion invited all animals and humans to a party but one animal didn’t come . who was it ?

5 . A lady was crossing a river which was known as crocodile river . she managed to cross the river safely how?

6 . After she crossed the river she died how ?

Try to Solve, you will enjoy it !!!!

Answer : please provide answer in comments section.

2.open the fridge ,put Giraffe,close the fridge
3.open the fridge,take giraffe out,put elephant,close the fridge
4.Elephant as he is inside the fridge
5.all The crocodiles are at the birthday party
6.She got hit in the head by a flying brick.